Monday, January 25, 2010

I decided to do my blog on disabilites because it's something I've always been passionate about. Since I was about 15 years old I've been "buddy-sitting" a disabled girl that lives down the street from me. She is the sweetest girl I've ever met and one of my dearest friends. I also volunteer at my church with the disabled. This is something I love to do and throughout this blog I'm going to share the capabilites of the disabled. My major is nursing and one day I'd really like to focus my career on helping with disabled children.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Placing one foot in front of the other, I've climbed to higher lengths. Reaching beyond my own limitations, to show my inner strength. No obstacle too hard, for this warrior to overcome. I'm just a man on a mission, to prove my disability hasn't won. - Robert M. Hensel